
Walmart Part Six
Walmart’s supply chain management is revolutionizing the world of business. Supply chain the sequence organizations such as their facilities, functions and activities that are involved in producing and delivering a product or services.  Walmart’s is a known for innovative business practises. This phenomenal growth of Walmart’s is attributed to its continued focus on customer needs and reducing cost through efficient supply chain management practises. This is because retailer the most successful business in the world. Always among the front runner in employing IT to manage its supply chain process.

Based on the articles, ‘Saving the world through supply chain management’ the company doing misconception the retail business. One of the retailing companies to centralize distribution system. Walmart’s job to bring product to customer’ trunks in as little as 72 hours. Walmart’s employs tactics ranging from buying in bulk optimizing the numbers of stores served by a single distributions canter. In the early 1970s, Walmart’s become one of the retailing companies in the world centralize its distribution system, pioneering the retail hub and spoke system. Sam Walton made an satellite communications system and established electronic linkages with supplied using retail link, the company’s sales and inventory databases. Walmart’s using electronic data interchange(EDI) and radio-frequency identification(RFID) for procurement. This is saved timed and made pro efficiency, using the bar code scanner and analysis of daily, weekly and monthly sales data. System can according the store manager would place order in the manufacturing division. Besides, Walmart’s Emergency Operations Centre ordered that area stores be stocked with water, food, generators and other supplies. The company can help another company in the world. Today Walmart’s is using its advanced transport method deliver. The company doing deliver food includes fresh produces, meats and dairy to people. Logistic infrastructure was its fast and responsive transportation system. The distribution centre were serviced many company owned trucks.  Walmart’s need to be a leader in the solution to this problem. Walmart’s can use supply chain management to rescue flood victims and tackle hunger. Walmart’s get many benefits are saved energy, eliminate all waste to landfill and sell products to natural environment. Walmart create many ideas to help customers to save the world. For example, the company create go green and 3R . Walmart’s buys so many supplied and customers from different places  throughout the world. This is because the company can control them to join their company to get many benefits and any factors. Walmart’s gets benefited through supply chain such as lower inventories, save people, higher productivity, shorter lead times, high profits and greater customer loyalty.

Conclusions, Walmart’s use innovative business process. Innovative business process help the company get profits and can control the company. Walmart’s leader can control many problem and solution it.

Study Case

1. Does Walmart’s use of automation and information technology eliminate the need for workers and managers? Explain.

Automation and information technology eliminate the need for worker and managers use the  logistic network, and transport methods. Walmart’s employs tactics ranging from buying in bulk to optimizing the number stores served by single distribution centre. Walmart has the largest information technology infrastructure of any private company in the world. Logistic network is the company use satellite communication system and established electronic linkages suppliers using Retail link. Electronic mail and the Internet have revolutionized communication and data exchange, facilitating the necessary flow of information between the companies in the supply chain so the worker and manager dont doing working to take customer demand. Besides that, Walmart Emergency Operation Centre ordered that area stores be stocked with water, food, generators, and others suppliers. The company use the transport methods. So the worker and manager dont no the customer need a good and the communication with people a bad. Next, the company use partnership with the nation’s top foods banks. Partnership most important in business process.

2. How will the creation of a Sustainability Index help Walmart manage quality and performance?

The popular chairman insists that Walmart approaches sustainability entirely from standpoint of business not altruism. Sustainability produces massive cost reduction, making Walmart more competitive. This is because operation expense, big cuts in energy usage mean big saving for Walmart and lower prices for customers. The sustainatibility can help manage quality and performance with profit, lowering cost, driving innovation a product and helping people to save money.

3. Why do Walmart’s managers set goals such as “double fleet fuel efficiency in ten years” and “cut greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent in seven years”? Explain how managers would use the feedback control model to reach those goals.

A goal is a desired future state that the organization attempts to realize. Goals are important because organizations exist for a purpose and goal and define and state that purpose. Goals specify future ends. Manager would use four step the feedback control model to reach those goals. Firstly, manager can use establish standard of performance within the organization’s overall strategic plan, manager define goal organizational departments specific, operational term that includes a standard of performance against which to compare organizational activities. A standard of performance “slash greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent in 7 years eliminate 20 metric tons of CO2 emissions from walmart supply chain in five years. Secondly, manager use measure actual performance. Most organization prepare formal reports of quantitative performance measurements that managers review daily, weekly, or monthly. These measurements should be related to the standards set in the first step to control. For example, if target doing the percent greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent in seven years and double fleet fuel efficiency in ten year. Compare performance to standard the third step in the control process is comparing actual activities to performance standards. When manager read a report or walk though the plan, they identify whether actual performance meets, exceeds or falls short of standards. However, to help customer walmart doing go green, and R&D teams are pioneering a sustainability index to measures the greenness of every item sold in stores.. Lastly, take corrective action managers also determine what changes, if any are needed. The manager can provide label for every products, allowing customer evaluate green benefits in the same way the evaluate benefits through food labelling.