
Walmart Part Five

Walmart are the world's largest company by revenue, including the biggest private  employer in the world with over 2 million employees, and the largest retailer in the world. Walmart is a family owned business, as the company is controlled by the Walton family, Walton family have 50% sharehoulder of Walmart through their holding company. It’s by Walton Enterprises. Walmart are the one retail company that creates are more jobs to world society but espically in America, because Walmart an America Multinational Retail Corporation. The leader of Walmart is Sam Walton. Walmart’s going commintment to work and play refer a reflection of leader is Sam Walton’s own leadership style. He make The Walmart Cheer it because a powerful symbol of Walmart’s team spirit and business philosophy rolled into one.

Walmart leading concept more to work and play. A leader of Walmart is Sam Walton is very sproting leader and open minded person. Futhermore, Walmart use motivate for the employees is give a some reward. For example, in 2009,Shawnalyn Conner was one of hundreds of store managers selected to launch a next-generation Walmart store. Conner had joined Walmart as a temporary sales associate only a decade earlier, and now she was responsible for turning a 176,000 square foot warehouse. The newly minted manager got to work recruiting 350 new associates, and Conner initiated all hires with the same cheer she herself learned a decade earlier. The message to the new employees is clear that is stick with Walmart and you’re going places.

In conclusion, Walmart is very concerned with their employees. This is because the results and characteristics of an employee it is very important to achieve a goal of a company and an organization. Chairman or manager was also very instrumental in managing an organization and shows good characteristics to serve as an example to employees. Therefore, Walmart is concerned with their customers too, the concept is “customer is number one, always”.

Study Case

1. What personality traits does Walmart look for in a job candidate? How might wrong perceptions lead managers to hire the wrong people?

The personality traits does Walmart look for in a job candidates is with “open door” policy. Walmart encourage all associates to speak freely, share concerns, sporting, not “free rider” and express ideas for improving daily operations. Besides that, Walmart also treat all discussions fairly with an open minded.
Moreover, wrong perceptions lead managers to hire the wrong people is when managers always listen to the associates and think that they’re the best idea generators. Besides that, for an organization or company cannot achieve the company’s mission and vision. It is because of manager choosed wrong people to be employee in an organization.

2. How would you characterize the leadership of Walmart founder Sam Walton?

Sam Walton is responsibility person where Walmart’s ongoing commitment to work and play is a reflection of Sam Walton’s own leadership style. Besides that he a good person, open minded and very sporting leader. Walmart created a win-win scenario for managers and associates.

3.What tools does Walmart use to motivate employees? How might a lack of motivation affect associates and how should managers respond?

Walmart use to motivate employees with give the achievement and rewarded for employees that do a job well. In 2009,Shawnalyn Conner was one of hundreds of store managers selected to launch a next-generation Walmart store. Conner had joined Walmart as a temporary sales associate only a decade earlier, and now she was responsible for turning a 176,000 square foot warehouse. The newly minted manager got to work recruiting 350 new associates, and Conner initiated all hires with the same cheer she herself learned a decade earlier.The message to the new employees is clear that is stick with Walmart and you’re going places.

Futhermore, if lack and don’t have some motivation in an organization or company,employees will not feel fun to go to work, employees late come to work, the work environment will not be regular, and most importantly is employees will be making tasks or work with casualness. Its the impact of an organization or company goals. So manager should must show a good charateristic, the motivation and must give some rewarded for employess. For example, monthly employee award, family day, or seminar and atc.